Comifuro 18 Elita and Sam Elkana Sharing About How Pitching Wakalulu Animation on Internasional 

Jumat, 5 Juli 2024, 22:40 - 0 Menit, 48 Detik Membaca

Comifuro 18 Elita and Sam Elkana Sharing About How Pitching Wakalulu Animation on Internasional 

KUTUBUKUKARTUN-One of Intersting Booth in Event Comifuro 18 Has Held on 11-12 May 2024, is a Elita and Sam Elkana. If you don’t know them, They are duo artist from Indonesa from who had A Intersting Pilot with Animation Aestestic like Cartoon Saloon Called Wakalulu from  

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Wakalulu is a animation shorts to winning thesis film made at Sheridan College in 2015. It garnered the interest of Adventure Time producer Eric Homan and Pascal Blais Studio. In 2018, Animation get pitched it as an animated series at Kidscreen’s Asian Animation Summit in Seoul and got few reception also won meetings with client such like Disney, Netflix, Nickelodeon, Amazon, and Korean studios.

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The Animation put a pause on Wakalulu due to personal difficulties at the time, but them keep continue where they Left sometimes. According this, Kutu Buku Kartun was meet them to sharing about How Pitching Wakalulu Animation on Internasional:

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Martini Tini

Martini Tini

Hanya orang yang masih betah sama yang dia buat dan suka

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